
Participation of PROVESTA SOFT in the 7th edition of FITA


Posted by, Provesta's Administation

le 13 Jun 2024 à 15:41

PROVESTA SOFT is a leading software development company and had the honor of participating in the 7th edition of the International Conference "Financing Investment & Trade in Africa – FITA 2024" as a strategic partner in IT development. 

Our presence was a unique opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with industry leaders, decision-makers, and innovators, while reinforcing our commitment to providing tailor-made technological solutions to meet the diverse needs of our clients.

PROVESTA SOFT stands out for its expertise in a wide range of IT services, from web and mobile application development to advanced solutions such as Cloud Computing, Business Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. Our experienced team is dedicated to offering customized solutions perfectly suited to each client.

The 7th edition of the International Conference "Financing Investment & Trade in Africa – FITA 2024" was a significant event for the business sector in Africa. 

Organized by the Tunisia Africa Business Council (TABC) at the Laico Hotel in Tunis on June 11-12, 2024, this conference brought together a large number of company representatives and entrepreneurs from across Africa to discuss opportunities and challenges related to investment and trade on the continent.

During this event, we had the privilege of discussing the technological challenges faced by many African companies and how we can help them overcome these obstacles to achieve their goals. Whether it's developing a customized web application, creating an intuitive mobile solution, or leveraging our expertise in business intelligence, Provesta Soft is here to support our clients at every step of their journey.

Participation in FITA 2024 was particularly fruitful for Provesta Soft. 

We had the opportunity to collaborate with TABC members, establishing promising partnerships for the future. These collaborations aim to develop customized IT solutions that meet the specific needs of each company, enabling sustainable growth and increased competitiveness in the African market.

Our presence at this conference also strengthened our position as a trusted technology partner for companies looking to innovate and grow in Africa. With our expertise and commitment, we are ready to tackle the technological challenges of tomorrow and contribute to the success of our partners and clients.

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